Brass Sextant
Brass Sextant by Erakart
One of the most important inventions for navigators & sailors was the Sextant.Erakart offers a variety of Nautical antique navigational sextant replicas & Elite range of Antique Nautical Brass Sextants, We offer a vast variety of Brass SEXTANT like German Pattern Sextant, Russian Pattern Sextant, Round Sextant, Captain Sextant .
In early days only the captain of the ship had a brass sextant as it was very expensive and also required specialization to navigate. Not everyone in the crew had access to the brass sextant and it was always a priced possession and Nautical ship enthusiasts love to collect various designs and models of brass sextant replica even today. There are numorous patterns that are available today. German pattern brass sextant & russian pattern brass sextant are some of the most common models. Apart from these round sextants were also used. As sextant was an expensive instrument it was safeguarded in a wooden box.
At erakart we offer a variety of brass sextants in various sizes which comes in a wood box or a leather case. Order one of your favourite replica brass sextant at erakart.