EraKart offers an Officer's Artillery Kugelhelm Pickelhaube helmet. This replica of the German leather helmet has been handcrafted with all details. This is a modern reproduction of M1843, M1856, and M1860 Kugelhelm.
Buy this Artillery kugelhelm pickelhaube helmet replica on sale at erakart. Hand crafted in premium quality leather with brass fittings.Kugelhelm were the German leather helmets with a ball-topped spike called Kugel (meaning Canon like) worn by Feldartillerie (Field Artillery) and Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery), Artillerie Kugelhelm pickelhaube were gradually adopted with modifications by all contingents after 1844.
The Artillary Pickelhaube
Kugelhelm were the leather helmet with a ball-topped spike worn by Feldartillerie (Field Artillery) and Fußartillerie (Foot Artillery)
Data sheet