Erakart offers this beautiful antique brass astrolabe reproduction. The brass astrolabe is hand crafted and has fine hand carved details & encryptions. This astrolabe has five brass plates with encrytion. A perfect corporate gift for elite clients & brands.
Astrolabe Hight-7"
Wood base size-15x15x4cms
Erakart is leading online store offering high quality souvenir & corporate gift items. This brass astrolabe is one of the most popular corporate gift item. Some of the prestigious brands across the globe have customized this brass astrolabe with their company logo and used it as a corporate gift for their elite clients.
This is a perfect souvenir & a perfect brass gift that can be used as a unique birthday gift , as a unique wedding gift , as a unique christmas gift or just a gift for the loved one.
Brass astrolabe are rare to find and a beautiful antique replica like this is a treasure that your loved ones will cherish for ages and pass it through generations as this is pure brass that will last almost forever.